Friday, February 14, 2020

Art history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Art history - Essay Example Very little is known about the work or life of the painter. However, it is known that, during this time, the paintings were instrumental in both the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox churches. The painting was almost at the same time as the Madonna on the rocks by Leonardo Da Vinci and Titian Madonna of the house by Pesaro. These three paintings have the same composition of the virgin and the child (p. 204). The painting has several characters from the bible, the primary figures being the virgin and the child as the centerpiece. In this painting, the child (Christ) is borne on a litter that is decorated with rose petals which are red and white in color. This signifies a marriage between the church and Mary Ecclesia, the church and Christ himself. The litter on which the child sits is held up by two angels. This is an act in the painting is meant to create the hierarchy of the painting. Behind the image, there is a parapet which is white in color. Behind the parapet, John the Baptist and Jerome are reading a book. In the background, there is a rock which is surrounded by a river. This gives the painting a feeling of some movement. The background image also consists of several people praying. The background also shows a beautiful landscape with a lot of activities in the background (P, 216). In Madonna on the rocks, the painting shows a photo of the Virgin Mary, the child (Christ) and John the Baptist as an infant. In this piece, they are arranged in a triangular manner. The background has rocks but, has a distant landscape of water and mountains. In this painting, the Virgin Mary is the apex of the figure which forms the shape of a pyramid. The composition of this painting is almost similar to that of Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels. However, there are slight differences. This includes the Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels where the background is an open space while in the Madonna on the rocks the background is

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Penn State Child Abuse Scandal Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Penn State Child Abuse Scandal - Article Example They were aware of the sexual scandal but they took no action. Joe Paterno and Graham Spanier should have reported the matter according to the judgment. This article provides information on the modes of handling child abuse cases. For instance, the judgment passed on the article is a warning to other members of the public on the dangers of molesting teenagers. From the case, it is notable that whoever participates in abuse directly or indirectly is liable for punishment (Chappell 1). Criminal investigations should enhance justice regardless of the time it takes the jury to conduct an investigation. Cases of abuse are not new in Pennsylvania but the magnitude of the acts is surprising since they are escalating. This means that the jury’s investigation will guide future criminal investigations. The 10 molested teenagers received justice from the courts because of the criminal investigations. Moreover, the victims learned of their civil liberties as minors. The judgment helped in uplifting the moral standards of the people in Pennsylvania. This means that in the future people will avoid engaging in criminal acts, since the sentencing proved that the jury had devised the best approach to handling cases of child molestation. Severe punitive action taken upon the offenders signified that any form of abuse was a crime in the society. A detailed investigation prior to passing a judgment on a case ensured fairness in sentencing offenders of any form of abuse. Generally, child molestation can be prevented in future when authorities provide children with channels for expressing their views. This can be enhanced through implementing laws that discourage child abuse in the society. People should be empowered to report on cases that decay morals in the society (Chappell 1). Importantly, there has to be a collaboration of various parties for justice to be delivered in any criminal case. According to the case, failure to act