Monday, December 23, 2019

The Prison Industrial Complex And Police Brutality Essay

Literature Review Over the last few years the hashtag Black Lives Matter has become a hot topic. This organization is trying to bring awareness to the issues that people of color face. They are also trying to bring â€Å"real† equality to people of color. Many non-people of color feel like black people are no longer oppressed. I plan to delve into systematic racism and how it is a real issue. I will be looking into the prison industrial complex, and police brutality examining how it relates back to slavery. Many police officers do not face consequences when they use excessive force, on people of color vs non-people of color. Just by looking at the current and past relationship between the police and people of color, needs to be addressed. It seems as if every time you turn around there is a person of color being killed on a daily basis by the police. There are too many people of color losing their lives by the hands of the police while other races are not. This relates to slavery and how slave patrols were used to keep runaway slaves in check. I will look into and how redlining of neighborhoods is a downward spiral as well. Especially when it comes to poverty and education. Even touching on when people use the hashtag all lives matter that you are overlooking/negating the issues that people of color face. All this leads to my research question; why do people of color suffer more from the effects of Systematic Racism than any other Race? Literature Review: The treatment of blackShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Racial Discrimination1232 Words   |  5 Pageswitnessed countless cases of police brutality. It has developed into a controversial topic between communities that have realized police cruelty have taken place in front of our homes. Deindustrialization is removal or reduction of industrial capacity or activity can lead to more crimes when people are laid off. 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